Precautions to Take When Driving in the Summer
14 June 2022Many people believe that the most dangerous times to drive are during the winter months, with the possibility of rain and icy conditions, and that this is when extra caution is required. However, all seasons pose significant threats to road users, and knowing the proper procedures for driving throughout the summer could save lives. The following are the recommended summer driving safety precautions, according to Griffin Autos:
3 Things to Consider about Your Vehicle
1) Tires– Summer heat can cause tyres to expand, which could exacerbate pre-existing damage which can eventually lead to blowouts. In order to avoid this from occurring, it is important to check your tyres and ensure that they are the correct pressure and are not showing any obvious signs of damage.
2) Engine– The added heat of the summer months can have a fairly substantial impact on your vehicle’s engine. The higher temperatures can aggravate issues in cooling systems and lead to your engine overheating. It is possible to prevent this by providing your car with plenty of fresh coolant and checking the entire cooling system is operating efficiently.
3) Windscreen– Travelling when the sun is low in the sky can be dangerous, especially if it causes glare. Glare can be amplified when windscreens are dirty, which can happen more frequently in dry weather. By replacing old and damaged windscreen wipers, and keeping your windscreen washer fluid topped up, you can reduce the chance or frequency of glare.
3 Things for the Driver to Consider
1) Time– The longer light hours of the summer season can lead you to believe that you are either not driving that late, or for that long. It is imperative to make sure you are awake and alert before getting behind the wheel of any vehicle. Many individuals dread having to take necessary sleep precautions, yet driving while exhausted is just as dangerous as driving while inebriated.
2) Allergies– Allergies such as hayfever add another obstacle to summertime driving as sneezing whilst at the wheel can be exceedingly dangerous. To avoid aggravating your allergies it is best to keep the windows of your vehicle closed and always read the label of any anti-allergy medication you take as a known side effect is drowsiness.
3) Vision– During the summer, poor vision due to sunlight is a fairly frequent cause of road accidents. Maintaining a clean windscreen and using sunglasses or sun visors to help combat the intensity of the sun’s rays will help to reduce the need to squint, allowing your full attention to stay on the road.
2 Common Changes in Environment
1) Weather Conditions– Summer storms can create slippery, or muddy, road conditions that many may not consider before using their vehicle in the summer months. It is important to consider that the state of the road can change as you are driving and be prepared to alter how you drive to appropriately match the current environment.
2) Summer Traffic– During the hotter and drier weather, more people flock to the roads meaning drivers have to be aware of more possible hazards. An increase of horses, hikers, bike riders and caravans can be seen on the roads due to the warmer weather conditions so it is essential to remain alert even if the roads seem clear.
Contact Us
There are a multitude of different safety precautions to consider in regards to driving during the summer. So, it is important to take notice of the changes to driving that the summer typically brings and take appropriate measures to make sure you, and everyone else on the road, stays safe. If your car needs maintenance as we head into summer, or you are interested in any of the other services we offer please do not hesitate to get in contact by either calling us on 01525 402896 or by filling out our online contact form.